The High-and-Mighty Heirs

There is little men would do but eat and sleep and labour and fuck, and be witness to a world changed by great men and greater forces, without their interference. They put little thought into who led them- policy or person, and never looked outside what was shoved in their faces. They tended to the... Continue Reading →

We Have it Coming

For a generation that owns its stereotypes like a boss, And binge watches TV shows as an accomplishment, That has more pseudo-intellectuals than the other kind And has the luxury of negotiating the discomfort of real, For all things 'dank' and 'lit' For a generation that seeks gratification by the second, And groans at having... Continue Reading →

How free is free-will?

If you ever, for a stretch of time, do not speak, whilst also resisting the urge to tune out everything around you, but listen, really listen, to words and tones, deep sighs and angry huffs, slow and fast movements, deliberate pauses in speech, a casual roll of an eye, or a passing smile at a... Continue Reading →

Brash and Unembarrassed

I’m really done with prefaces for the moment. How about I skip the fancy ice breaker, and for once in my life, get right to it. Humans can broadly be divided into two categories: the nonchalant-s; those who boom their hello and don’t care if they jilt and jolt ten others around them, those who... Continue Reading →

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